B. THRIVE Supplemental Modules

Adolescent Mental Health: Parenting to Wellness

Welcome to Adolescent Mental Health: Parenting to Wellness, a parenting program designed to offer support to parents and caregivers of adolescents who experience mental health challenges.
  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Welcome
  • Consent Form
  • Demographics
  • Mental Health and COVID-19
  • Adolescent Development and Mental Health
  • What's Next
  • Part 1 - Psychoeducation
  • Psychoeducation
  • Meet the Alabaster Family
  • The Three Ds
  • Problems Associated with Mental Health
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Related Problems
  • Eating Disorders
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Signs of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Disruptive and Rule Breaking Disorders
  • Checking in with the Alabaster Family
  • Part 2 - Parents’ Role in Helping Child Return to Wellness
  • Parents’ Role in Helping Child Return to Wellness
  • Using I Statements to Express Mental Health Concerns
  • Seeking Mental Health Services for your Child
  • How to Choose a Provider?
  • Types of Therapy
  • Types of Therapy Continued
  • Special Situations – When Medication is Needed
  • Outpatient Therapy - What to Expect?
  • Safety Concerns
  • Checking in with the Alabaster Family
  • Addressing Safety Concerns with your Child
  • Ensuring Safety and Learning Coping Strategies
  • Parent-Child Activity: Creating a Coping Toolkit
  • Part 3 - Parental Self Care
  • Parental Self Care
  • Taking Care of Yourself
  • Co-Parenting Relationships
  • Modeling Healthy and Helpful Strategies
  • Check in with Yourself
  • Impact of Parental Emotions
  • Achieving a Helpful Emotional State
  • Healthy and Effective Strategies for Emotion Regulation
  • Mental Health Stigma
  • Parent-Child Activity: Circle of Support
  • Wrap Up
  • Reaching Emotional Wellness with your Child
  • Tell Us What You Think
  • Wrap-Up
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever